If you’re turning 65 soon, you might have some Medicare coverage questions. Or, you may have a loved one in their 60s and want to know more about Medicare coverage. Read More
If you’re turning 65 soon, you might have some Medicare coverage questions. Or, you may have a loved one in their 60s and want to know more about Medicare coverage. Read More
If you are the adult child of an aging parent, we understand how difficult that relationship can be for both of you. While it is a stressful and ever changing time in your lives, it is important for adult children to understand what is needed for the longevity of their senior parents and how they can help them live a long and fulfilling life. Now is the time to take an active role in the lives of your aging parents, which includes helping them maintain their mental and physical health and wellbeing in their senior years.
Should you get a reverse mortgage? That really all depends on your age, homeownership status and a few other factors. For many seniors, reverse mortgages offer more benefits than drawbacks. Ask yourself, “is a reverse mortgage right for me?” Take a look at the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage to determine if it’s the right choice for you or for your parents.
Did you know there is a secret to aging well and making the most out of your senior years? It’s true and it all starts with a solid plan that can help you or your loved one maximize health and wellbeing during the aging process by being informed, proactive, and educated about life choices and healthcare options. Read More
Depression and anxiety in seniors share common disorder symptoms. Adding to the medley of healthcare factors our individualities, family histories and biological genetics present challenges when making senior mental illness decisions. The demands for healthcare can be overwhelming when it comes to making the right decision for both the senior and the supportive family members. Read More
More than 6.5 million Americans 65 years of age and older have been affected by depression. Often, these seniors have struggled with depressive episodes during their entire lives. For others, depression first strikes in the senior years, all the way up into the 80s and 90s.
For the first time in human history, we have a greater percentage of the global population over age 65 than under the age of 5. While life expectancy based on medical history has thus far been a primary factor in determining potential for longevity, as we move away from traditional institutional care into community/ home-based care, there will be more emphasis on the Five Pillars of Longevity, as they relate to long term care.
Today’s high tech world has changed the way we live; from transportation to food and everything in between, there’s an app for that. However, when it comes to aging, there’s no “app for that!” While aging is inevitable, thanks to technological advances and improved access to better health care, countless seniors have been able to remain healthy, independent and happy as a result. Read More
Did you know that a single health issue can cause major financial issues and even empty the savings account of an aging senior in as little as a year? Are you or your aging parent covered in the event something critical happens? Read More
Last year was filled with turbulence for seniors and family caregivers. The House of Representatives passed the RAISE Act offering help and support for elderly families. For many, the cost of caring for our loved ones carry unexpected emotional burdens and financial surprises. Costs are only expected to increase along with the out-of-pocket expenses that could jeopardize the quality of senior health care. Read More
Have you thought about estate planning, such as making a will, but haven’t actually taken care of it yet? You’re not alone. According to a Harris Poll, 64% of Americans haven’t completed a will. Read More
When we are young and able to work a full-time job, we depend on our weekly earnings to pay for our living expenses. All of this will change quickly, though, as soon as we retire from our career. The weekly paychecks stop coming in, but unfortunately the expenses don’t. That’s why it is important to have a plan in place and begin retirement income planning now to insure you don’t outlive your income as you get older.
Are you concerned about having enough income to meet your needs during retirement? Or are you taking care of a loved one and responsible for his or her financial and health care needs? If so, you might feel overwhelmed with all of the choices and options available to you. Researching, creating a longevity plan, and asking the right questions takes a lot of time and energy. However, it’s important to begin the process now so you have a longevity plan in place and make the right choices when the need arises. Read More